Short Term City
Digital platforms and spatial justice
Digital platforms are changing cities in many subtle and profound ways. The short-term rentals website Airbnb is just one prominent example of how new online intermediaries reshape urban practices and imaginaries, change social relationships, disrupt traditional markets, amplify spatial hierarchies and inequalities, and challenge existing regulations and policies. Our goal is to offer an empirically-situated understanding of the logics and (bio-)politics of platform capitalism and how to deal with it, with a particular focus on Italian cities and on the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic.
Research and scientific publications from and around the project
Maps and Data viz
Data visualizations and critical mapping by the project team
Public engagement, outreach, media, policy proposals
Latest News
Updated news about activities, initiatives and deliverables of the STCity project.
Lo studio di Filippo Celata e Antonello Romano sul Corriere della Sera del 27/09/23
Il Corriere della Sera menziona lo studio e i dati della ricerca di Filippo Celata e Antonello Romano ' Overtourism and online short-term rentals in Italian cities, Journal of Sustainable Tourism (2020). Articolo Corriere 27/09/2023 :...
Interfacing the space of flows and the space of places in the platform society. Ten years of Airbnb in Florence
Abstract Drawing on Manuel Castells’ inspiring concepts of space of flows and space of places (1996), we argue that digital platforms play the key role of an interface, a medium, between the space of places and the space of flows. Indeed, digital platforms can be...
Quando il turismo rende difficile trovare casa
"Quando il turismo rende difficile trovare casa", puntata del programma televisivo Le Iene del 18 Aprile 2023 su mercato immobiliare e affitti brevi in Italia con intervista a Filippo Celata. FONTE Guarda la puntata qui:...
Action Plan
The activities of the ST-City project are organized into four macro-themes structured in work-packages: