Filippo Celata and Chiara Certomà edited a special issue on digital platforms, cities, sociospatial justice and the pandemic, that has been now completely published (open access) in the new journal ‘Digital Geography and Society’.
The rationale and contents of the special issue are described in the introductory article. As the journal hasn’t yet collected all the contributions to the special issue in a unique webpage or issue, here is the complete list of authors, titles and links:
– Filippo Celata, Chiara Certomà, Digital platforms and socio-spatial justice in the (post-)pandemic city.
– Natasha A. Webster, Qian Zhang, Intersectional understandings of the role and meaning of platform-mediated work in the pandemic Swedish welfare state.
– Yannick Ecker, Anke Strüver, Towards alternative platform futures in post-pandemic cities? A case study on platformization and changing socio-spatial relations in on-demand food delivery.
– Felipe Mello Rose, The unexpected persistence of non-corporate platforms: The role of local and network embeddedness.
– Yung Au, Protest, pandemic, & platformisation in Hong Kong: Towards cities of alternatives.
– Inka Santala, Pauline McGuirk, Communal sharing within and beyond digital platforms: Prefiguring interdependent sharing cities
– Antonello Romano, The shifting geographies of digital intermediation: the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on short-term rentals in Italian cities.
– Myrto Dagkouli-Kyriakoglou, Simone Tulumello, Agustin Cocola-Gant, Chiara Iacovone, Dimitris Pettas, Digital mediated short-term rentals in the (post-)pandemic city.
– Niccolò Cuppini, Mattia Frapporti, Maurilio Pirone, When cities meet platforms: Towards a trans-urban approach.