LE CASE DEGLI ALTRI di Alessandra Esposito
LE CASE DEGLI ALTRI – La turistificazione del centro di Napoli e le politiche pubbliche al tempo di Airbnb di Alessandra Esposito, descrive nel dettaglio il processo di turistificazione del centro storico di Napoli, le sue conseguenze e cosa si potrebbe fare per...
Platform-Mediated Tourism Social Justice and Urban Governance before and during Covid-19
The book “Platform-Mediated Tourism Social Justice and Urban Governance before and during Covid-19”, edited by Paola Minoia and Salla Jokela, has been just published by Routledge.The book presents theoretical and empirical insights on platform-mediated...
Temporary populations and sociospatial polarisation in the short-term city
The article by Barbara Brollo and Filippo Celata about temporary inhabitants and sociospatial inequalities in the ‘short-term city’ is available open access on Urban Studies: https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/00420980221136957 The article is...
Digital platforms and socio-spatial justice in the (post-)pandemic city: Introduction to the special issue
Filippo Celata and Chiara Certomà edited a special issue on digital platforms, cities, sociospatial justice and the pandemic, that has been now completely published (open access) in the new journal ‘Digital Geography and Society’.The rationale and...