Going up! Real Estate & the Pandemic Alps is a sociological project that addresses recent transformations in real estate ecology in relation to both the on-going pandemic and the surge of platform capitalism.
It does so by choosing as entry point prime locations in mountain areas. One of the hypotheses behind this choice is the changing relationships and, potentially, hierarchies, between localities (i.e. traditionally urban and remote areas) and their socio-cultural and economic characteristics, connected to the broader transformations mentioned above.
More specifically, the attention is directed to real estate actors and housing dynamics in alpine prime locations across Italy, France and Switzerland. Along with quantitative meso-analyses and critical mapping, the research will adopt a in-depth case study approach: the research team aims at identifying, contacting and realizing qualitative semi-structured interviews with public and private actors in the realm of real estate, real estate platforms, housing and tourism industry of the chosen areas.

The Going up! research team is based at the University of Turin and it is composed of
Prof. Giovanni Semi, Principal Investigator (giovanni.semi@unito.it)
Dr. Magda Bolzoni (magda.bolzoni@unito.it)
Dr. Marta Tonetta (marta.tonetta@unito.it)