Resources> Research
A selection of relevant publications of the participants on the themes of the STC project.
Interfacing the space of flows and the space of places in the platform society. Ten years of Airbnb in Florence
Abstract Drawing on Manuel Castells’ inspiring concepts of space of flows and space of places (1996), we argue that digital platforms play the key role of an interface, a medium, between the space of places and the space of flows. Indeed, digital platforms can be...
LE CASE DEGLI ALTRI di Alessandra Esposito
LE CASE DEGLI ALTRI - La turistificazione del centro di Napoli e le politiche pubbliche al tempo di Airbnb di Alessandra Esposito, descrive nel dettaglio il processo di turistificazione del centro storico di Napoli, le sue conseguenze e cosa si potrebbe fare per...
Platform-Mediated Tourism Social Justice and Urban Governance before and during Covid-19
The book "Platform-Mediated Tourism Social Justice and Urban Governance before and during Covid-19", edited by Paola Minoia and Salla Jokela, has been just published by Routledge.The book presents theoretical and empirical insights on platform-mediated...
Temporary populations and sociospatial polarisation in the short-term city
The article by Barbara Brollo and Filippo Celata about temporary inhabitants and sociospatial inequalities in the 'short-term city' is available open access on Urban Studies: https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/00420980221136957 The article is about all...
Digital platforms and socio-spatial justice in the (post-)pandemic city: Introduction to the special issue
Filippo Celata and Chiara Certomà edited a special issue on digital platforms, cities, sociospatial justice and the pandemic, that has been now completely published (open access) in the new journal 'Digital Geography and Society'.The rationale and contents of...
«Ancora non ci ho capito niente di come funziona l’algoritmo»: la consapevolezza algoritmica degli host di Airbnb
Bonini T., Murtula F. (2022). Sulla scia dei recenti studi sulla consapevolezza algoritmica (Eslami et al. 2015; Gran et al. 2021), l’articolo propone un focus sul livello di questa consapevolezza (Gran et al. 2021) tra gli host di Airbnb. Lo studio si avvale di una...
La geografia delle piattaforme digitali. Mappe, spazi e dati dell’intermediazione digitale.
La geografia delle piattaforme digitali. Mappe, spazi e dati dell'intermediazione digitale. Romano A. (2022). La geografia delle piattaforme digitali. Mappe, spazi e dati dell’intermediazione digitale. Florence University Press, 2022. ISSN 2704-6249 (print), ISSN...
Becoming a Platform in Europe: On the Governance of the Collaborative Economy (open access book)
Full ref: Maurizio Teli (ed.), Chiara Bassetti (ed.) (2021), “Becoming a Platform in Europe: On the Governance of the Collaborative Economy”, Boston-Delft: now publishers, http://dx.doi.org/10.1561/9781680838411
The shifting geographies of digital intermediation: the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on short-term rentals in Italian cities
Romano A. (2021)
Digital Geography and Society
Crowds, communities, (post)capitalism and the sharing economy (special issue).
Filippo Celata and Filip Stabrowski edited a Special feature for the journal City, on “Crowds, communities, (post)capitalism and the sharing economy”. The aim is to reflect upon the ambivalences of the sharing economy as a discourse and as a practice, and upon the...
Regulation and Planning. Practices, Institutions, Agency
Rydin Y., Beauregard R., Cremaschi M., Lieto L. (2021 Eds)
Routledge Publisher
Digital Social Innovation Spatial Imaginaries and Technological Resistances in Urban Governance
Certomà C. (2021)
Palgrave Macmillan Publisher
Digital platforms and socio-spatial justice in the (post-)pandemic city
Celata F., Certomà C. (2021 Eds)
Digital Geography and Society, Special issue (forthcoming)
Short-Term City Dynamics: effects and Proposals before the Covid-19 Pandemic
Cerreta M., Della Mura F., Lieto L., Poli G., (2020)
Sustainable Development and Circular Economy, Aestimum, Special issue
The Field as a Black Box: Ethnographic Research in the Age of Platforms
Bonini T., Gandini A. (2020)
Social Media & Society (online first)
A room with a (re) view. Short-term rentals, digital reputation and the uneven spatiality of platform-mediated tourism
Celata F., Capineri C., Romano A. (2020)
Geoforum 112: 129-138
Overtourism and online short-term rentals platforms in Italian cities
Celata F., Romano A. (2020)
Journal of Sustainable Tourism (online first)
Digital social innovation and urban space: A critical geography agenda
Certomà C. (2020)
Urban Planning 5(4): 8-19