Resources> Research
A selection of relevant publications of the participants on the themes of the STC project.
Hyperconnected, receptive and do-it-yourself city. An investigation into the European imaginary of crowdsourcing for urban governance
Certomà C., Corsini F., Frey M. (2020)
Technology in Society (online first)
Venice as a short-term city. Between global trends and local lock-ins
Salerno G.-M., Russo A. P. (2020)
Journal of Sustainable Tourism (online)
The start-up state: Governing urbanized capitalism
Rossi U., Moisio S. (2020)
Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space 52(3): 532-552
Urban entrepreneurialism 2.0, or, the becoming south of the urban world
Rossi U., Wang J. (2020)
Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space 52(3): 483-489
Fake friends: The illusionist revision of Western urbanology at the time of platform capitalism
Rossi U. (2020)
Urban Studies 57(5): 1105-1117
Civita. Senza aggettivi e senza altre specificazioni
Attili G. (2020)
Quodlibet, Macerata
Casa dolce casa? Italia, paese di proprietari
Filandri M.A., Olagnero M. & Semi G. (2020)
Il Mulino, Bologna
Marginal hosts: Short-term rental suppliers in Turin, Italy
Semi G., Tonetta M. (2020)
Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space (online first)
Assessing the Interstitial Rent: The Effects of Touristification on the Historic Center of Naples (Italy)
Cerreta M., Della Mura F., Lieto L., Poli G, (2020)
In Gervasi O. et al. (Eds), Computational Science and Its Applications – ICCSA 2020. ICCSA 2020. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 12251. Springer, Cham
Will Cities Change with COVID-19?
Yahagi H., D. Abe, K. Hattori, G. Cotella, M. Bolzoni (2020), Gakugei Publisher, Kyoto
Per una critica dell’economia turistica. Venezia tra museificazione e mercificazione
Salerno G.-M. (2020)
Quodlibet, Macerata
La gentrification commerciale et le renouvellement urbain à Turin
in Fleury A., Delage M., Endelstein L., Dubucs H., Weber S. (Eds), Le petit commerce dans la ville-monde, L’Oeil d’Or, Parigi, pp. 239-251.
“First week is editorial, second week is algorithmic”: Platform gatekeepers and the platformization of music curation
Bonini T., Gandini A. (2019)
Social Media & Society 5(4): 1-11
L’Europa è altrove. Economia turistica e nomos post-territoriale
Addis M. C. (2020)
In I. Pezzini, L. Virgolin (Eds), Usi e piaceri del turismo, Aracne, Roma, pp. 131-149
Piattaforme e Big data per una nuova geografia digitale
Romano A., Capineri C. (2020)
In Lazzeroni M., Morazzoni M. (Eds), Interpretare la quarta rivoluzione industriale, Carocci, Roma, pp. 75-92.
Appunti sulla nuova forma delle disuguaglianze urbane post Covid
Semi G. (2020)
Adobati F., Peretti M. C., Zambianchi M. (Eds), Iconemi 2019, Bergamo University Press, pp. 29-33
Le macerie dell’ipersfruttamento turistico
Attili G. (2020)
in Agostini I., Attili G., Scandurra E. (Eds), Biosfera, l’ambiente che abitiamo. Crisi climatica e neoliberismo, DeriveApprodi, Roma, pp. 167-189
Look, there are winners and losers and there are losers because there are winners. Understanding relational sociology with Matthew Desmond
Semi G. (2020)
Rassegna Italiana di Sociologia, 1:191-208