Network > Research Team
Research Team

Filippo Celata
Associate Professor
Filippo Celata (Principal Investigator) teaches economic geography, local development and spatial data analysis at the University of Roma La Sapienza. His research is about urban and regional economies and policies and, more recently, about the effects of digital platforms on cities, inequalities and sociospatial relations. He is chief editor (…)

Cristina Capineri
Full Professor
Cristina Capineri (UNISI scientific officer) is professor of geography at the Dipartimento Scienze Sociali, Politiche e Cognitive of the University of Siena, where she teaches human and economic geography and directs the Ladest Lab. She co-founded the Vespucci Initiative for the Advancement of Geographic Information Science, and chaired the COST Action (…)

Laura Lieto
Full Professor
Unina Federico II
Laura Lieto (UNINA Federico II scientific officer) is professor of Urban Planning. She has been visiting professor at Columbia University and Copenhagen University. She is in the Comittee of the Doctoral School of Architecture at Federico II University and is Principal Investigator of the EU HERA JRP project on social housing and public space (PuSH). (…)

Giovanni Semi
Associate Professor
Giovanni Semi (UNITO scientific officer) is associate professor of Sociology at the Dept. of Culture, Politics and Society of the University of Torino. His research topics range from urban transformations, social class analysis, housing studies and retail studies. He is currently writing a book on public spaces and urban life. More details here (…)

Maria Cristina Addis
Research Fellow
Maria Cristina Addis is Research Fellow in Semiotics at the Department of Social, Political and Cognitive Sciences of the University of Siena (DISPOC), member of the Inter-university Center “Omar Calabrese” for Research in Semiotics and Image Sciences (CROSS), Lecturer of Theories and Languages of Product Design (…)

Magda Bolzoni
Research Fellow
Magda Bolzoni is a Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Sociology at the Department of Cultures, Politics and Society of the University of Turin and adjunct lecturer at the Interuniversity Department of Regional and Urban Studies and Planning, Politecnico di Torino. She holds a PhD in Sociology and she has spent periods of research (…)

Tiziano Bonini
Associate Professor
Tiziano Bonini is associate professor in Sociology of culture and communication at the Department of Social, Political and Cognitive Sciences (Dispoc) of the University of Siena, where he teaches Sociology of Communication and Mass Media, Digital Culture and Society. His research interests are the political economy of the media (…)

Maria Cerreta
Associate Professor
Unina Federico II
Maria Cerreta is Architect, PhD in “Evaluation Methods for the Integrated Conservation of Architecture, Urban and Environmental Heritage”; she is associate professor of Environmental Assessment and Evaluation (SSD ICAR/22) at the Department of Architecture (DiARC), University of Naples “Federico II”. Italy, (…)

Chiara Certomà
Assistant Professor
Chiara Certomà works as Assistant Professor in Political-Economic Geography at the University of Turin, Research affiliate at Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies and at the University of Ghent. Her interests focus on innovative modes of urban governance and planning brought about by the digital turn and induced by the pressing (…)

Alessandra Esposito
Research Fellow
Alessandra Esposito is an architect and PhD student in Urban Planning at the Sapienza University of Rome, where she studies the impact of the tourist rental market on the historic center of Naples. In 2018 she taught a class at the Federico II University of Naples entitled: “Tourism and real estate market: the impact of tourism on the city in the era of sharing (…)

Orfina Fatigato
Associate Professor
Unina Federico II
Orfina Fatigato is associate professor in Architectural and Urban Composition at DiARC, University of Naples – Federico II, and Maître de conférences invitée at the Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture ParisMalaquais. She had a post-doctoral fellowship holder in the International Research Programme Research in Paris. Her research is (…)

Cary Y. Hendrickson
Research Associate
Cary Yungmee Hendrickson is an environmental social scientist and a Programme Officer at the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). She holds a PhD in Economic Geography and a PhD in Environmental Science and Technology. Her research is situated at the intersection of political economy, environmental geography (…)

Tarcisio Lancioni
Associate Professor
Tarcisio Lancioni is associate professor in Theory and Philosophy of Languages at the Department of Social, Political and Cognitive Sciences (Dispoc) of the University of Siena, where he teaches Semiotics, Visual Semiotics and Semiotics of Culture. His research interests are the meaning and effectiveness of images and visual representations. He is (…)

Maria Luna Nobile
Associate Professor
Unina Federico II
Maria Luna Nobile is Associate Professor in Architectural and Urban Design at Umeå University, Sweden. PhD Architect in Architectural and Urban Studies at the DiARC of the University of Naples Federico II, her research focuses on the design of the contemporary city, with special attention to urban regeneration local policies, interdisciplinary (…)

Antonello Romano
Research Fellow
Antonello Romano is Research Fellow at University of Siena and scientific coordinator at Ladest Lab. Ph.D. in Economic Geography at University of Rome La Sapienza. Lecteur in Digital Geography, Spatial Data Analysis, and Social Network Analysis at DISPOC, University of Siena. His current research focuses on digital platforms and (…)

Ugo Rossi
Associate professor
Ugo Rossi is associate professor of Economic and Political Geography at the Gran Sasso Science Institute, L’Aquila. His research deals with the political economy of urban and regional development from a critical perspective. He is editor of Dialogues in Human Geography. His research has appeared in journals of human geography and (…)

Viviana Saitto
Research Fellow
Unina Federico II
Viviana Saitto is Reserarch Fellow in Interior Architecture and Exhibition. She is tutor at the Master in Restoration and Project for Archeology (RePARCH) of Federico II. Her research interests are interior architecture, public art, exhibition design, urban interior, and social housing. Among her recent publications are reported: Senza titolo. Arte, (…)

Giacomo-Maria Salerno
Research Fellow
Giacomo Maria Salerno is a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the Department of Civil, Building and Environmental Engineering of the University of Rome La Sapienza. He has a Master degree in Philosophy and holds a PhD in Urban Planning. During his research activity in Venice, Rome and Barcelona, he focused on heritage studies, touristification (…)

Marella Santangelo
Associate Professor
Unina Federico II
Marella Santangelo is Associate Professor in Architectural and Urban Composition at the Department of Architecture of the University of Naples Federico II, she is Rector’s Delegate at the University Penitentiary Centre of Campania, she is Coordinator of the Master’s Degree Course in Architectural Design. She is Member of the PHD program (…)

Marta Tonetta
Research Assistant
Marta Tonetta is Research Assistant at the Department of Cultures, Politics and Society, University of Turin, Italy. She holds a PhD in Sociology and Methodology of Social Research (SOMET) from both at the University of Milan “La Statale” and University of Turin, Italy. Her main research interests lies at the intersection of urban and economic sociology (…)

Francesca Zanutto
Research Fellow
Francesca Zanutto works in marketing and communication for the tourism and cultural sector since over 15 years with a special interest for places image and destination branding topics. With a phd in Economic Geography (La Sapienza) she lived in Canada to complete her degree in Public Relations, worked in Madrid at the Communication and (…)

Adam Arvidsson
Full Professor
Unina Federico II

Giovanni Attili
Associate Professor
Giovanni Attili works as an Associate Professor at the University La Sapienza (Rome, Italy) where he teaches “Analysis of Urban and Regional Systems” and “Sustainable Development”. His research interests are focused on: images, multimedia and artistic practices as catalyst of social interaction in urban planning processes; (…)

Barbara Brollo
Phd Candidate
Barbara Brollo is a PhD candidate at Università La Sapienza, Methods and Models for Economics, Territory and Finance (MEMOTEF) department, curriculum in Economic Geography. She has previously studied political sciences and development economics in Rome and urban planning in Barcelona. Her current research project is about (…)

Fernanda Della Mura
PHD Candidate
Unina Federico II
Fernanda Della Mura is an architect, graduated at University of Naples Federico II (Italy), with a Master’s Degree thesis entitled ‘Hunting for apartment. The effects of Airbnb on the historic city’, dealing with the tourism of the historic center of Naples. Currently, she is a PhD candidate in Evaluation and Urban Planning at the Department of Architecture (…)

Paolo Giaccaria
Associate Professor
Paolo Giaccaria is associate professor of Economic and Political Geography at the University of Turin, where he teaches Territorial Marketing. His research is about territorial development (…)

Ludovica La Rocca
PHD Candidate
Unina Federico II
Ludovica La Rocca, architect, is a PhD candidate in Urban planning and Evaluation at the Department of Architecture (DiARC), University of Naples Federico II and co-founder of the Blam collective.

Giuliano Poli
Research Fellow
Unina Federico II
Giuliano Poli is an architect with expertise in sustainability assessment, spatial Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) and GIS. Graduated in Architecture at University of Naples Federico II on 2012, holds a PhD degree in urban planning and evaluation, and thus the current Research Fellow in Environmental Assessment and Evaluation (SSD (…)

Daniela Festa
Research Fellow
Daniela Festa is research fellow at the University of Roma La Sapienza and lecture in Political and Economic Geography at the University of Bologna. She works with a critical legal geography approach on different topics such as spatial justice, urban democracy and political participation, the right to the city, urban commons, housing affordability, transitions strategies and social innovation. (…)

Venere Stefania Sanna
Venere Stefania Sanna is a political and economic geography researcher currently working for Sapienza University and for the Italian Ministry of Environment. Her main research interests are local economic development, sustainability transition, the sharing economy and the circular economy. Her approach is interdisciplinary, (…)

Gianluca Bei
PHD Candidate
Gianluca Bei is a PhD student in Economic Geography at the University of Rome La Sapienza, MEMOTEF department. He holds a bachelor’s degree in Sociology and a Master’s degree in Applied Social Sciences. He obtained a postgraduate research scholarship at the Institute of Geography and Spatial Planning, University of Lisbon. (…)

Gaetana del Giudice
PHD Candidate
Unina Federico II
Gaetana del Giudice earned a Master’s degree in Planning at Federico II University.
She is a PhD Candidate in Urban and Regional Planning at the Department in Architecture.
Her dissertation deals with platform capitalism, with a specific focus on rent theory and short rentals.
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