Network > Research Units
Research Units
The STCity transdisciplinary consortium includes human geographers, urban sociologists, planners, GIS scientists, architects, communication scientists, working in four Italian universities.
University of Rome La Sapienza
The unit includes researchers from two Departments – MEMOTEF (Methods and Models for Territory Economy and Finance) and DICEA (Department of Civil Constructional and Environmental Engineering). It is composed of economic geographers and urban planners with an interest in critical urban studies, tourism studies, urban economies and policies, and spatial data analysis.
Team La Sapienza
Filippo Celata
Giovanni Attili
Barbara Brollo
Cary Yungmee Hendrickson
Alessandra Esposito
Antonello Romano
Giacomo Salerno
Venere Stefania Sanna
University of Naples (UNINA)
The unit includes two Departments – Architecture and Managing Engineering – with consistent research background in urban planning and design, architecture, organizational studies, data processing and mapping.
Team UniNa
Laura Lieto
Adam Arvidsson
Maria Cerreta
Orfina Fatigato
Maria Luna Nobile
Giuliano Poli
Viviana Saitto
Marella Santangelo
University of Siena (UNISI)
The unit is based in the Department of Social, Political and Cognitive Sciences and involves the Laboratory of socio-geographical research (LADEST) and experts in human geography, spatial analysis, GIS science, data mining and analysis, media studies.
University of Turin (UNITO)
The unit includes two Departments – Cultures, Politics and Society (CPS) andEconomics and Social Sciences (ESOMAS). It brings together human geographers and sociologists with a background of research on urban issues, spatial foundations of capitalism, digital geographies and tourism.
Team UniTo
Giovanni Semi
Magda Bolzoni
Chiara Certomà
Paolo Giaccaria
Ugo Rossi (GSSI)
Marta Tonetta
Francesca Zanutto