Digital social innovation and urban space: A critical geography agenda
Certomà C. (2020)
Urban Planning 5(4): 8-19
Certomà C. (2020)
Urban Planning 5(4): 8-19
Di Filippo Celata, Cristina Capineri e Antonello Romano
Che-fare.com, 19 maggio 2020
Video-interventi di Filippo Celata, Giovanni Semi e altri
Intotheblackbox.com, 18 maggio 2020
Romano A., Capineri C. (2020)
In Lazzeroni M., Morazzoni M. (Eds), Interpretare la quarta rivoluzione industriale, Carocci, Roma, pp. 75-92.
Going up! is a sociological project that addresses recent transformations in real estate ecology in relation to both the on-going pandemic and the surge of platform capitalism.